Introduction (from Han River, Seoul)

I share many reports and different materials with my colleagues constantly, but find that I don’t actually get around to reading them; which, essentially, is why I made this, so everything can be consumed "in short and easily-digestible quantities".

I began this project with the intention of/in hopes that we find new insights, and become wiser together. I jotted down some points that I think are worth looking at, and would like to invite you to also have a think about the data patterns. There is no right-or-wrong answer; however, I do hope that we take time to wonder why something is what it is.

I’m of the belief that people’s thinking processes don’t develop as quickly if they are constantly provided with the opinions and interpretations of others, which I why I won’t be providing any conclusions, or “answers”, if you will.

Please note that the data that I analyze (payment, purchase, log, etc.) will be edited and uploaded in a simplified form in order to avoid causing any legal issues and complications. I also have grand plans of sharing some less delightful (?) academic papers every now and then too, so please keep your eye out for those as well.

Thank you for reading :)


평소 보고서나 자료를 지인들과 많이 공유하는데, 공유하는 저조차도 다 못 읽게 되더라구요. 그래서 만들었습니다. "짧게 소화 가능한 분량으로."

함께 똑똑해지자고 시작한 프로젝트입니다. 데이터 패턴을 보고 '생각'해보면 좋을 포인트들을 제 나름대로 적어놨습니다. 정답은 없지만 지인들이 가끔 읽어 보시다가 '왜 그럴까?' 사고해 보시길 희망합니다. 우리가 자료를 접하면 해석하는 사람의 시선을 사실 그대로 받아들이다 보니 통찰력이 발전하지 않는다는 생각이 들어서 답은 적지 않았습니다.

제가 분석하는 데이터(결제, 소비, 로그 등)는 문제가 되지 않을 선에서만 편집해서 올릴 예정이고 가끔씩은 재미 없는(?) 논문 내용 전달도 도전해볼까 합니다.
