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Topics for discussion: An app for speaking English
BGM: 처진달팽이 - 말하는대로 (YouJae-suk and Lee Juck - As I say)

cf) 사용자 수 (천 명) = Total number of active users (1k) / 평균 사용 시간 (분) = Average usage time (Minute) / 남성 = Male / 여성 = Female

1) It seems that the number of users has increased significantly after the application hired a well-known star and pushed aggressive marketing in Jan 2019. What problems did management face at this time?
2) The average usage time was increasing (positive sign). Even though the number of users increased again during the corona, the usage time did not decrease. What does it mean?
3) Although not shown in the chart, the percentage of active users decreases compared to the total number of installations. What would be a more critical issue between marketing to unprofitable customers and customer churn management?
4) The portion of users in their 50s and 60s is quite large. There is no end to learning.

(Lyrics) 말하는대로~ 말하는대로~ 될수 있다고~ 될수 있다고~ 그대 믿는다면~

Note 1) First-time visitor can take a 15-minute level test for free. Sign-up benefits for customers were different based on their acquisition channels.