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Topics for discussion: An app for a community (employee)
BGM: 싸이 - 아버지 (Psy - Dad)

사용자 수 (만 명) = Total number of active users (10k) / 평균 사용 시간 (분) = Average usage time (Minute) / 남성 = Male / 여성 = Female
1) Imagine since you may haven't used it before. Every spring, when the time for hiring new employees, the community may be activated and then turn downward. What stories have been passed among users?
2) After the corona outbreak, it is expected that many issues, such as telecommuting from home, unpaid leave, and reduced wages, were raised. Imagine the factors that would be the core reason for this increase.
3) The pie chart seems to reflect the composition of the population of office workers (to some extent). But would this assumption be true? Considering user characteristics, think about it compared to the university community app you saw yesterday (Attractiveness for advertisement, category relevance, etc.) What do you want to promote in this community?

(Lyrics) 아버지 이제야 깨달아요~ 어찌 그렇게 사셨나요~ 더 이상 쓸쓸해 하지마요~ 이젠 나와 같이 가요!