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Topics for discussion: An app for Seoul bike (따릉이)
BGM: 장철웅 - 서울 이곳은

사용자 수 (만 명) = Total number of active users (10k) / 평균 사용 시간 (분) = Average usage time (Minute) / 남성 = Male / 여성 = Female

1) The number of active users seems to be a steady trend. (Although it is hard to compare seasonal variations perfectly) After Corona Outbreak, do you think this 따릉이 were loved by new customers? (or existing customers?)
2) Let's consider the reasons that the number of users has steadily risen since May and then the momentum has fallen slightly from July to August. Which variable had the greatest impact (considering the using purpose of each customer segment and external variables like weather (Dec-Feb: Winter / Mar-May: Spring / Jun-Aug: Summer / Sep-Nov: Fall)
3) The average usage time is similar to the e-scooter application. Do you think this application records the usage time all the time while riding the actual bicycle?

(Lyrics) 아무래도 난 돌아가야겠어~ 이 곳은 나에게 어울리지 않아~

Note 1) There is a hidden intention when I present the charts and graphs. What did I show you, and why?